Edit: Had to edit my post to really convey what i meant!
TDLR: Web development can be done very well with functional things Sodium + Ramda + Hyperscript and throw Immutable at it if you want.
For instance, inferior paradigms, like React, are completely incompatible with Sodium and Reactive programming in general. Sad, that is to say.... So you can forget about integrating it with it, and things alike. But its fine, React and alike (they are very popular now) really sucks and will be completely gone in a year or so (I truly believe so, and I am a React developer). It is, paradigm-wise, OOP, but OOP in the state where Java was fifteen years ago, I am not even joking.
You can compare different FRP paradigms but thats about it. It, most of the times , isn't compatible with regular state machine architectures.
The power of FRP in Sodium is explicit simplicity. It is very clean.
Main problem is that FRP isn't that popular. People are afraid of Functional Programming, literally, and that is why. Nothing functional has gained enough traction. Not even RxJs, neither did Elm. Lets look at Ramda, even though its much better than lodash/underscore, its never gained that much attention. Its sad because lenses and everything else in it - are beautiful. This is the nature of a problem.
But Its gonna get there, though.
MVC is now dead, but for how long its been alive? And how religiously its been followed since 1970s ? Very very very....
Bonus material: http://staltz.com/dont-react/#/
Rarely anything thats really popular these days is actually better. Rarely does it solve problem in a better way.